OT: list configuration

Evert Jan van Ramselaar evertjan at VANRAMSELAAR.NL
Mon Dec 22 06:34:26 GMT 2003

Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions said:
> I just noticed that some people's messages to the list are defaulting to
> their own address when I hit reply.
> Has anybody else had this problem?

This usually happens when someone that sends a message to the list has set
a Reply-To address in his or her MUA. Please people, when you want replies
to be sent to your From address, do NOT set a Reply-To address! Setting a
Reply-To address is only needed when you want replies to be sent to
another address.

Apart from that, it might be possible for the list admin to configure the
list to overrule all Reply-Address settings.

But again, many people configuring a MUA set the Reply-To address to the
same as the From address. This is wrong! Just leave it empty if it the

Merry TuXmass!

  Evert Jan van Ramselaar  <evertjan at vanramselaar.nl>
  Van Ramselaar Info Tech  <http://www.vanramselaar.nl>
  Internet Consultancy & Webdesign

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