Mailscanner not scanning e-mails

Raymond Dijkxhoorn raymond at PROLOCATION.NET
Sun Dec 14 18:21:45 GMT 2003


> /usr/lib/MailScanner/f-prot-autoupdate /usr/local/f-prot
> root     26892  0.0  0.4  2048 1072 ?        S    12:04   0:00 sendmail:
> accepting connections on port 25
> root     27853  0.0  0.5  2640 1396 ?        S    12:25   0:00 sendmail:
> MAA27851 user open
> root     28090  0.0  0.5  2640 1412 ?        S    12:30   0:00 sendmail:
> MAA28088 user open
> root     28466 21.0  0.0     0    0 ?        Z    12:37   0:00 [MailScanner
> <defunct>]
> root     28468  0.0  0.1  1196  472 pts/0    S    12:37   0:00 grep -i mail
> I think my problem occured when I tried to follow the instructions I
> followed (    ) about moving the mqueue/q*/* etc. Can someone help on what I
> should have in sendmail.conf and Mailscanner.conf to scan e-mails.
> BTW, I also installed f-prot and spamassassin on this machine to work with
> mailscanner.

Analyze this step by step. Take out SpamAssassin in your config and
restart. Most likely you have a configuration isse...


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