Unexpected whitelisting behaviour

Julian Field mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Thu Dec 11 15:04:21 GMT 2003

At 14:34 11/12/2003, you wrote:
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Julian Field [mailto:mailscanner at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK]
> >Sent: 11 December 2003 13:48
> >Subject: Re: Unexpected whitelisting behaviour
> >
>I said that:
> >>However I noticed that the message headers did not contain the usual
> >>
> >>  X-Newcastle-MailScanner-SpamScore: ss...
> >
>and Julian replied:
>That will only happen if MS thinks it is spam.
>At the cost of sounding a little dense could I ask you to please explain
>what you mean by that statement? Surely MS only thinks a message is
>"spam" if the spam score exceeds the SA threshold, currently 5.0 at this
>site, or the sender is in one of the RBL sites specified in the MS
>config file?
>Why, then, do I see most messages that have a spam score less than 5
>(ie. Not spam) showing a "X-Newcastle-MailScanner-SpamScore:" header
>with 1 to 4 "s" characters?

Sounds like I must be talking rubbish then. This week, that really wouldn't
surprise me.
 From the code, it looks like it adds the "SpamScore" header if the score > 0.
However, the main Spam Header (SpamCheck) is only added if it is actually
spam, or would be spam if it wasn't whitelisted (I think).

Too much oxycodone ==> fried brain :-)
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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