could not analyze/too many attachments

Randal, Phil prandal at HEREFORDSHIRE.GOV.UK
Wed Dec 10 10:32:49 GMT 2003

On the subject of confusing error messages, the following is starting to get
a tad irritating:

Subject: Warning: E-mail viruses detected


The following e-mail messages were found to have viruses in them:

    Sender: a at b.c.d
IP Address:
 Recipient: me at here
   Subject: Whatever
 MessageID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Report: MailScanner: No AVI movies allowed (worldcup1.avi)

Excuse me, it's not a virus!

I've had a quick peek at the report files and it seems that there is no
clear delineation between viruses and other blocked attachments.  Am I
missing something obvious here?


Phil Randal
Network Engineer
Herefordshire Council
Hereford, UK

> -----Original Message-----
> From: MailScanner mailing list [mailto:MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK]On
> Behalf Of Julian Field
> Sent: 09 December 2003 18:23
> Subject: Re: could not analyze/too many attachments
> At 16:54 09/12/2003, you wrote:
> >Julian,
> >    I know there was a thread recently about "Could not
> >analyze message" coming out in the virus report, when the
> >issue is really "too many attachments" from the
> >"Maximum Attachments Per Message" setting.  I did a bonehead
> >move of setting this to 20 instead of 200, and then had to
> >quarantine the problem message after the sender complained,
> >stare at it and MS code, and figure out the problem.  Will
> >this "Could not analyze" message be clearer in the next
> >version?
> You can already change the error message, but only for all unparsable
> messages. It's in your languages.conf file, the line that
> starts "CantAnalyze".
> However, I agree that it should be separate from that error
> message. The
> fix will be in the next release, but attached are patches to
> and languages.conf (English only right now) which will
> implement it.

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