Spam.blacklist.rules critical mass

Julian Field mailscanner at
Fri Dec 5 16:44:13 GMT 2003

At 15:27 05/12/2003, you wrote:

>Does anyone know if there is a maximum limit to the number of entries in a
>rules file?

No theoretical fixed limit, no.

>   I've been regularly adding entries to my spam.blacklist.rules file
> which has now reached about 30K in size.  I haven't noticed much impact
> on system performance or memory use but was wondering if someone else has
> seen a direct correlation between a growing rules file and decreased
> system performance?  At what level did your system start to choke?  Whats
> the best practice for blacklisting?

If you want fast per-domain spam blacklist/whitelisting, use the per-domain
stuff in

If you want a straightforward spam blacklist that works very fast, look in
the latest and search for "FastSpamList". That code isn't
quite what you want, but will be a very good starting point to implement it.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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