MailScanner and RedHat 6.0

Julian Field mailscanner at
Mon Dec 1 14:51:55 GMT 2003

At 14:33 01/12/2003, you wrote:
>We are using RH 6.0 , perl-5.00503-2 , and sendmail 8.9.3 and would like
>use Mailscanner with clamav.
>We tryed MailScanner-3.27-1.i386.rpm and 4.24-5.rpm.tar.gz without any
>There are to many depependencie errors during the installation.

Did you run the script? What dependencies did it complain about it?
I don't really support anything before 6.2. If my calculations are correct,
6.0 is 6 or 7 versions out of date. Are RedHat still supporting it?

>Is somebody running MailScanner on RH 6.0 and which release?

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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