was blank, now Clam autoupdate

Julian Field mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Fri Aug 29 21:46:44 IST 2003

At 21:42 29/08/2003, you wrote:
>On Fri, 2003-08-29 at 21:36, Antony Stone wrote:
> >I don't run freshclam in daemon mode, but I don't really see why
> >calling it
> >from MailScanner's update_virus_scanners would be any more reliable
> >than
> >calling it on its own.
>Except that it is less likely the cron daemon will die, thus preventing
>an update, than the freshclam daemon.  Personally I fell its ill-advised
>writing a daemon just to periodically perform a task, thats what cron is
>The MailScanner script also prevents mails from being scanned while the
>scanner is being updated, which may improve the reliability of
>scanning.  The downside of this is that an update that stalls may stall
>MailScanner too [but at least you're likely to notice that].  There was
>some discussion about adding timeouts to the script to prevent this (not
>sure if it actually happened though).

It did.
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at www.MailScanner.biz
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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