was blank, now Clam autoupdate

Antony Stone Antony at SOFT-SOLUTIONS.CO.UK
Fri Aug 29 21:36:36 IST 2003

On Friday 29 August 2003 9:26 pm, Miguel Koren O'Brien de Lacy wrote:

> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
> <html>
> <head>

Please don't post HTML to the list.   HTML is for web pages.   Email should
be plain text.

> I use the 'freshclam' method for updating. Freshclam is a daemon and logs
> it's activity in /var/log/clam-update.log by default. I have it set to
> check 2 times a day with this in my startup scripts:<br>

Are you using the latest version of freshclam?   The one which includes
mirrors.txt?   If not, you should upgrade because this version will try
alternative sources if the primary is unavailable.

> I noticed that freshclam dies sometimes and even though
> it is not the case this time on my server I don't know why it did not
> update. So, maybe calling it from Mailscanner is a better solution.

I don't run freshclam in daemon mode, but I don't really see why calling it
from MailScanner's update_virus_scanners would be any more reliable than
calling it on its own.




The flush toilet then, as the plainest manifestation of a feedback loop, is a
mythical beast - the beast of self.

 - Kevin Kelly, Out of Control

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