ANNOUNCE: Beta 4.23-8 released --- 4.23-9

Julian Field mailscanner at
Thu Aug 28 17:54:44 IST 2003

Oops, bit of a show-stopper there, sorry.
I have just added the relevant config directives to and
re-released it.
4.23-9 is there for downloading from

Good thing I did this beta release, wasn't it :-)

At 16:59 28/08/2003, you wrote:
>On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 07:23, Julian Field wrote:
> > I have just released 4.23-8.
>Have I done something wrong here?
>Aug 28 11:57:42 cort MailScanner[27774]: Aborting due to syntax errors
>in /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf.
>Aug 28 11:57:52 cort MailScanner[27819]: MailScanner E-Mail Virus
>Scanner version 4.23-8 starting...
>Aug 28 11:57:52 cort MailScanner[27819]: Syntax error(s) in
>configuration file:
>Aug 28 11:57:52 cort MailScanner[27819]: Unrecognised keyword
>"notifysendersofblockedfilenamesorfiletypes" at line 658
>Aug 28 11:57:52 cort MailScanner[27819]: Unrecognised keyword
>"notifysendersofotherblockedcontent" at line 664
>Aug 28 11:57:52 cort MailScanner[27819]: Unrecognised keyword
>"notifysendersofviruses" at line 652
>Aug 28 11:57:52 cort MailScanner[27819]: Aborting due to syntax errors
>in /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf.
>Scott Tiret
>Oneredshoe Network
>My Public Key

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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