FW: Stop Using relays.osirusoft.com *NOW*!

Damien McKenna damien at MC-KENNA.COM
Wed Aug 27 00:17:41 IST 2003

On Tuesday 26 August 2003 04:28 pm, Mike Kercher wrote:
> Anyone heard anything about this?

My server has been in relays.osirusoft.com for several weeks, _despite_ being
delisted in spews.


I personally recommend _not_ using DNS-based blockers, rather focusing on the
content, as most DNS-based blockers are of the guilty-until-proven-innocent /
shoot-first-ask-questions-later variety which cause untold damage to innocent
businesses and people.

Damien McKenna  damien at mc-kenna.com  http://mc-kenna.com/

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