SPAM? tagging on Cobalt RaQ4

Julian Field mailscanner at
Mon Aug 25 17:22:05 IST 2003

Check what IP address the mail from/for these customers comes from, and go to
to check that you haven't been put in any of the RBLs.

At 16:01 25/08/2003, you wrote:
>I have had the MailScanner package from
>installed and SpamAssassin for sometime, but all of sudden this morning,
>lots of messages with '{SPAM?}'. All of my mail from mailing lists and
>otherwise are being marked this way and so far two customers getting
>mail marked from people who never generated the warning before. The
>header is receiving:
>X-WebTent-MailScanner-SpamCheck: ORDB-RBL
>It seems to be doing this for all mail, non-local of course. It all
>seems to have started around 8:30am this morning EST. How can I track
>down this problem?

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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