W32/Sobig.F virus header

Rabellino Sergio rabellino at DI.UNITO.IT
Thu Aug 21 14:34:10 IST 2003

Spicer, Kevin wrote:
> Rabellino Sergio wrote:
>>  these are lines from the NAI website
>>>The attachment must be run manually to infect the local
>>system.  Additionally, messages sent by the virus contain the
>>following fields
>>>    * X-MailScanner: Found to be clean
>>>    * X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
> Seriously, have any NAI customers on the list asked them to amend this statement to make it clear that these headers also appear in genuine mail, as people [who should know better] seem to be getting confused.
done, i'll post the response from nai (if any).

Dott. Sergio Rabellino

  Technical Staff
  Department of Computer Science
  University of Torino (Italy)
  Member of the Internet Society

Tel. +39-0116706701
Fax. +39-011751603

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