'Too many open files' and the Sobig virus

Adrian Barker A.Barker at UCL.AC.UK
Wed Aug 20 17:28:05 IST 2003

 >Adrian Barker wrote:
 >> We are still seeing the 'Too many open files' problem even after
 >> increasing the rlim_fd_max and rlim_fd_cur in /etc/system and
 >> rebooting, and ulimit -n unlimited to the 'check_mailscanner' script.
 >Does the 'Too many open files' message relate to a MailScanner process or a=
 > sendmail process?  Is the mail stuck in mqueue or mqueue.in?
 >If the problem is with MailScanner you could try reducing the batch size in=
 > MailScanner.conf, which I think may well reduce the number of files each M=
 >S process tries to open.

Reducing the batch size has fixed the problem, so many thanks for that.
We were completely stuck, with MailScanner unable to process any email
and tens of thousands of emails waiting.

Adrian Barker, Information Systems
University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT
External phone: (+44) 020 7679  2795,  Fax (+44) 20 7388 5406
Internal phone: x 32795
Email: A.Barker at ucl.ac.uk

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