Trend Micro Questions

Spicer, Kevin Kevin.Spicer at BMRB.CO.UK
Wed Aug 20 15:19:06 IST 2003

Gerry Doris wrote:
> I'e been messing around with Trend's virus scanner.  It seems to be
> very fast.  However, since I installed it I've got a couple of
> questions... 
> 1. chkrootkit now warns me that I may have a possible slapper
> infection. I've checked the entire box with F-Prot and Trend's
> scanner and nothing is reported except for MailScanner's quarantine
> directory...but this still has me nervous.  Has anyone else seen this?
> 2. Before I try out my very meager programming skills has anyone
> written an autoupdate script for Trend?

chkrootkit checks for the following files...

And the following open ports

If any of those are found it reports a possible infection

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