Not viruschecking forwarded spam messages

Plant, Dean dean.plant at ROKE.CO.UK
Wed Aug 20 12:28:38 IST 2003

Julian Field wrote:
> At 07:19 20/08/2003, you wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I am running MS 4.22-5 and SA 2.55 and ClamAV and Antivir MailGate
>> with Postfix 2.0.13.
>> Spam actions are "forward" but those messages aren't checked for
>> viruses. How do I set this right?
> They certainly should be scanned before they are let out. Anyone else
> corroborate this?

Im using 4.21-9, All my high scoring spam is forwarded and I can
confirm that these messages are scanned correctly.

Dean Plant

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