eTrust support

Alan Fiebig mailscanner at
Fri Aug 8 22:51:06 IST 2003


How about something like this code?

My example simply prints a 'yes' if an update took place, or 'no' if not.
You would replace that with your syslog statements.

The code simply checks the signature file to see if its changed in the last 5 minutes.

$result=`find /opt/eTrustAntivirus/ino/config/ -cmin -5 -maxdepth 1 -name virsig.da0`;
if ($result =~ /virsig/) {
   print "yes";
 } else {
   print "no";

Could this be used?


>I am not at all sure that I can tell the difference between the 2 results. 
>The eTrust update command produces no output whatsoever.

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