Hide Quarantine Work Dir = maybe ?

Antony Stone Antony at SOFT-SOLUTIONS.CO.UK
Wed Aug 6 19:46:50 IST 2003

On Wednesday 06 August 2003 7:40 pm, Ulysees wrote:

> Maybe I've just missed something in a conf file somewhere but is there a
> way to mask the path to where the quarantine is ?
> so as instead of saying:
> Note to Help Desk: Look on $hostname in
> /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/20030806 (message h77IN3O45475).
> which gives the path away it just says something like:
> Note to Help Desk: Mailscanner quarantine on $hostname 20030806 (message
> h77IN3O45475).

Hide Incoming Work Dir = yes




90% of network problems are routing problems.
9 of the remaining 10% are routing problems in the other direction.
The remaining 1% might be something else, but check the routing anyway.

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