Delivery Method in ZMailer

Julian Field mailscanner at
Wed Apr 30 11:03:31 IST 2003


At 23:01 29/04/2003, you wrote:
>Hi Julian,
>Delivery Method = batch
>is quite useless in ZMailer, since the router is constantly traversing its
>queue so, by the time you issued the "sendmail" command, the file is probably
>not there, and if you re-send it it will finally go there also, so there is
>no gain.
>Instead of making
>Delivery method = queue
>mandatory, I'm just doing nothing in KickMessage.
>The following patch applies to the latest
>***      Tue Apr 22 16:32:32 2003
>---  Tue Apr 29 18:58:01 2003
>*** 557,569 ****
>   sub KickMessage {
>!   my(@ids) = @_;
>!   my($idlist);
>!   $idlist = join(' -qI', @ids);
>!   $idlist .= ' &' if MailScanner::Config::Value('deliverinbackground');
>!   #print STDERR "About to do \"Sendmail2 -qI$idlist\"\n";
>!   system(MailScanner::Config::Value('sendmail2') . ' -qI' . $idlist);
>   }
>--- 557,575 ----
>   sub KickMessage {
>! # BBY 2003-04-29
>! # we do nothing, since ZMailer's router is constantly processing its queue
>! # and this is only a waste of time.
>! # So "Delivery Method = queue" is the only method that ZMailer uses
>! # regardless of what is configured :-)
>!   #my(@ids) = @_;
>!   #my($idlist);
>!   #$idlist = join(' -qI', @ids);
>!   #$idlist .= ' &' if MailScanner::Config::Value('deliverinbackground');
>!   ##print STDERR "About to do \"Sendmail2 -qI$idlist\"\n";
>!   #system(MailScanner::Config::Value('sendmail2') . ' -qI' . $idlist);
>   }
>Mariano Absatz
>El Baby
>God is REAL, unless explicitly declared INTEGER.

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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