Clam ...

Julian Field mailscanner at
Tue Apr 29 16:56:14 IST 2003

At 07:40 29/04/2003, you wrote:
>Is it possible to also detect if clam is updated ?
>Currently i get in the logs:
>Apr 29 03:01:01 vmx01 update.virus.scanners: Found clamav installed
>Apr 29 03:01:01 vmx01 update.virus.scanners: Updating clamav
>Apr 29 03:01:01 vmx01 ClamAV-autoupdate[11488]: ClamAV updated
>Apr 29 03:01:01 vmx01 update.virus.scanners: Found f-prot installed
>Apr 29 03:01:01 vmx01 update.virus.scanners: Updating f-prot
>Apr 29 03:01:02 vmx01 F-Prot autoupdate[11496]: F-Prot did not need updating.
>But in fact Clam isnt updated...Its telling this hourly:
>Apr 29 04:01:01 vmx01 update.virus.scanners: Found clamav installed
>Apr 29 04:01:01 vmx01 update.virus.scanners: Updating clamav
>Apr 29 04:01:01 vmx01 ClamAV-autoupdate[13518]: ClamAV updated
>Apr 29 04:01:01 vmx01 update.virus.scanners: Found f-prot installed
>Apr 29 04:01:01 vmx01 update.virus.scanners: Updating f-prot
>Apr 29 04:01:02 vmx01 F-Prot autoupdate[13526]: F-Prot did not need updating.
>Is the script reporting this ok ? Since i think its defaulting to the
>'ClamAV updated' all the time, even when its not updated.
>I saw in the auto update script of f-prot some checking, but not in the
>one for Clam, is it posible to do the same there ?

Not sure. Take a look at the clam autoupdate script and see what you think.
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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