unknown string noticeheading, Time::tm=ARRAY(0x8fed788)

Radislav Vrnata radislav.vrnata at PORCELA.CZ
Mon Apr 28 20:44:48 IST 2003


I have two problems on RH 8.0, MailScanner 4.15-9 :

My maillog contains this line,

Apr 28 20:23:06 bubo MailScanner[29831]: Looked up unknown string
noticeheading in language translation file

but my ../en/languages.conf contains this line

NoticeHeading = The following e-mail messages were found to have
viruses in them

and ../cz/languages.conf contains
czech equivalent of this line...

and  MailScanner.conf contains
Language Strings = /etc/MailScanner/rules/languages.rules

and languages.rules contains,
FromOrTo:        *@*.cz   /etc/MailScanner/reports/cz/languages.conf
FromOrTo:        *@*      /etc/MailScanner/reports/en/languages.conf

and e-mail is sending to name at domain.cz ...

Where is the problem ?
Why MailScanner search ../en/languages.conf instead of
../cz/languages.conf ... ?

VirusWarning.txt show :

At Time::tm=ARRAY(0x8fed788) ..... instead of real date/time ...

Where is the problem ?

Radislav Vrnata.

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