MailScanner on Red Hat 8.0 and Exchange (user unknown)

Steve Hickel smhickel at CHARTERMI.NET
Wed Apr 23 18:14:01 IST 2003


Thanks for the help. 

Now, the next problem. When I set my firewall to the new mail server,
the maillog said that the user was unknown and rejected the email and I
got an error from my sending email server, not the receiving one. I went
back into the mailscan setup and put forward unknown users to the IP of
the exchange server. I will test that in a few minutes but wanted to
know if anyway had a way to get the mailscanner to trap these emails and
hold them until the exchange server was available for them without
having to enter names into the sendmail or linux box? Thoughts?



On Wed, 2003-04-23 at 11:35, Steve Hickel wrote:
> Here is the exact message I get from sysadmin on the exchange box. I
> will check into the relay thing on the linux box though. It does seem
> the message is coming from the exchange box though.
> STeve
> The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
>       'steve at' on 4/23/2003 11:09 AM
>             You do not have permission to send to this recipient.  For
> assistance, contact your system administrator.
>             <PPS-EXCH1.PPS.Local #5.7.1 smtp;550 5.7.1
> <steve at>... Relaying denied>
> On Wed, 2003-04-23 at 11:29, Raymond Dijkxhoorn wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > > 1) What am I doing wrong with exchange that I get such a message?
> > > 2) How do I test the f-prot set up to see if it is working for outgoing
> > > messages or is this something one doesn't see unless there are virii?
> > >
> > > Finally, I haven't set up the incoming bit yet until I get the smart
> > > host feature working. Do I need an SMTP connector setup???? in exchange?
> > 
> > Most likely you didnt configure the linux box to relay properly, can it be
> > that one is giving the faults ? Have a look in your mail log on the linux
> > box, i think its going wrong there.
> > 
> > Bye,
> > Raymond.
Steve Hickel <smhickel at>
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