SurfControl email Filter

Spicer, Kevin Kevin.Spicer at BMRB.CO.UK
Wed Apr 9 14:47:04 IST 2003

> - - "digital fingerprints of known spam content" --> probably not as
> advanced as pyzor/razor
> - - "plus a customizable Dictionary" --> big deal. You can have this
> with additonal SA rules in no time
> - - "great flexibility about ... Spam once identified: 
> isolate, delete,
> forward, deliver" --> need I say more? Did they copy MailScanner? :-)
> All of this can be done with MailScanner as well
> - - Virtual Learning Agent --> Bayes
> - - HTML Stripper --> MailScanner

That was pretty much as far as I got.  The thing that they do thats got our management interested is the promised ability to filter images based on content.

> Surprising isn't it?
> Why waste money there. I have to agree with Julian. I have not seen
> anything as effective as SA. It sucks up resources but it is very
> efficient.

I should have made it clear in my previous post that I am already in agreement with both of you, but I was looking for any experiences anyone else may have had that could enhance my arguments.
Julians suggestions about getting a test data set together is good advice, but I'm a little bit cautious about how to get a set of test emails of a sufficiently wide variety without ending up the wrong side of any laws (like RIP).

BMRB International
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