Multiple Scanners

Julian Field mailscanner at
Mon Apr 7 18:12:02 IST 2003

# Include the name of the virus scanner in each of the scanner reports.
# Very useful if you use several virus scanners, but a bad idea if you
# don't want to let your customers know which scanners you use.
Include Scanner Name In Reports = yes

At 18:08 07/04/2003, you wrote:
>Hi All,
>I've just been playing with multiple virus scanners and I remember a
>thread a on this newsgroup about customising the output sent to the
>postmaster. I was wondering if this had become a feature yet, had a look
>through and didn't see anything on it.
>Basically, in the postmaster report would it be possible to include the
>names of scanners that detected the various viruses?
>The following e-mail messages were found to have viruses in them:
>     Sender: xxxxx at
>IP Address:
>  Recipient: xxxxxx at
>    Subject: Fwd: Newest Security Pack
>  MessageID: h3783IKa013104
>     Report: >>> Virus 'W32/Gibe-D' found in file
>             patch152.exe contains Worm.Gibe.B
>             Executable DOS/Windows programs are dangerous in email
>So the report could be or something similar?
>Report:  Sophos - Virus 'W32/Gibe-D' found in file
>          ClamAV - patch152.exe contains Worm.Gibe.B
>          Executable DOS/Windows programs are dangerous in email
>Anyone done this or what?

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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