
Peter Peters P.G.M.Peters at
Mon Apr 7 12:52:44 IST 2003

On Mon, 7 Apr 2003 13:00:16 +0200, you wrote:

>Hallo again
>I was asked for more spesific stats by the powers that be today.
>I have the mrtg graphs running and I like them.
>They want reports that state how may mails were processed, virii caught....etc
>I thought I saw someone with a developed script on the list, if so can I have
>the url please?

I have put up our scripts at They
are called and The second
script I use to mail me the results of one day. The other one puts the
same information in a csv-file. Occassionally I take that file and
update the information in an excel spreadsheet. I report monthly about
all kinds of security issues to our staff and I include the spreadsheet
of the previous month.

Manually I convert the csv and excel files to monthly versions. The
spreadsheet for the current month is available as mailscanner.xls at the
same location.

You will have to edit both perl scripts to accomodate for the blacklists
you use.

Peter Peters, senior netwerkbeheerder
Dienst Informatietechnologie, Bibliotheek en Educatie (ITBE)
Universiteit Twente,  Postbus 217,  7500 AE  Enschede
telefoon: 053 - 489 2301, fax: 053 - 489 2383,

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