2 x "from=<>" in the logs

Steven Patterson S.R.Patterson at SOTON.AC.UK
Mon Apr 7 10:10:25 IST 2003

On Apr 7, 2003 at 8:43am Joachim Dostal wrote:

JD> yes thats seems to be right ... but why have they an empty form field
JD> ... is this a mailscanner problem or an sendmail trouble - need you
JD> more log- lines for deeper explaination ?

It's not a problem at all.

It's a mail being bounced back to you from somewhere else.  The empty from
field is deliberate to stop mail-bouncing loops.  If a bounced mail in
turn bounces then it tries to go back to <>, which doesn't exist so the
mail is just discarded.

Steven Patterson, MSci OCP.  Tel: +44 (0)2380 595810
Primary Information Services Support and Development
Information Systems Services, University of Southampton, UK.
Public PGP Key: http://www.bottleneck.org/pubkey.php

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