clever s p a m

Steffan Henke henker at SHCOM.US
Thu Apr 3 16:33:27 IST 2003

On Thu, 3 Apr 2003, Sylvain Phaneuf wrote:

> We have come across some spam html messages that contain some
> meaningless tags that break up keywords like v i a g r a. As

> Is there a way these could be blocked?   see example below my signature

For my own personal email, I use the python spambayes module like this:
spam marked by SpamAssassin and/or junkfilter gets into a junkmail
folder and every few hours, a cronjob processes this folder and "trains" the
spambayes database so it "learns" what is spam and what isn't.
Additionally, a procmail recipe checks for these spam headers the next
time mail comes in. It works quite well, even for those "clever words".
You may want to have a look at
I haven't used the SpamAssassin bayes feature yet to achieve something
like this globally.



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