Signature for outgoing messages

Adrian Phillips a.phillips at MET.NO
Sat Sep 28 13:33:52 IST 2002

>>>>> "Eric" == Eric H <erich at OLYPEN.COM> writes:

    Eric> On Sat, 28 Sep 2002, Zhang Ming(r3) wrote:
    >> Just installed a newest mailscanner in our new mail server. but
    >> when user want split the mail to several parts in outlook
    >> express to limitied the mail capacity, the mail scanner will
    >> reject such mail . can anyone tell me how to allow user to send
    >> such mails?

    Eric> I think you are running up against the reality that the way
    Eric> Microsoft has implemented this splitting up of large
    Eric> messages is fundamentally a bad idea and hazardous from a
    Eric> security viewpoint.

Wait a sec. - I'm not a MS fan (quite the opposite) but spltting of
large emails into parts has been "standard" for many years now under
Unix as well as other Oses.; don't know whether its RFC or not though.


Adrian Phillips

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