Version 4.00.0a4

Jim Levie jim at ENTROPHY-FREE.NET
Mon Sep 23 22:49:43 IST 2002

On Mon, 2002-09-23 at 15:39, Mike Kercher wrote:
> Julian,
> When you are making changes to the code for the V4 generation, are you only changing bin/mailscanner, or do I need everything within
> the tarball each time?  I'm thinking about just symlinking /opt/MailScanner to whatever the tarball creates when I extract it and
> then copying my mailscanner.conf back over.
That would be one way, but you'd have to check for changes in
mailscanner.conf each time and possibly in other things that live in

What I do is to keep the previous version's download in someplace other
than my 'running' directory. When a new version is released I unpack it
and 'diff -r previous current' (e.g. diff -r MailScanner-4.00.0a3
MailScanner-4.00.0a4). That will show all changed files and what
changed. If the change occurs in a config file that I've modified in my
running copy I can adjust as necessary. My running copy
(/opt/MailScanner) is just a symlink to the actual stuff
(/opt/MailScanner-4.00.0a4). So I copy the contents from where I
unpacked the download to /opt, merge in my mailscanner.conf and other
local configs, and change the symlink.
The instructions said to use Windows 98 or better, so I installed

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