Mcafee update prob

Julian Field mailscanner at
Mon Sep 23 15:01:35 IST 2002

At 14:44 23/09/2002, you wrote:
>Sorry for posting again but Im gona show the boss the
>setup tomorrow and I cant get the autoupdate to work.
>Spent all morning trying to figure out where the script
>go bad but my skills is to low  =(
>This is the msg I get:
>Mcafee update failed: cannot find the the update file, at ./autoupdate line

I've just tried the US site and it is running extremely slowly, so the FTP
commands are timing out. Edit the autoupdate script, and look right near
the top of the file. There are a couple of lines that say

#my($ftpsite) = ''; # Use faster European mirror instead of
my($ftpsite) = ''; # busy US site

Move the "#" from the first line to the second one, and you'll be using the
European mirror site instead, which is working very quickly at the moment.
Julian Field                Teaching Systems Manager
jkf at         Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
Tel. 023 8059 2817          University of Southampton
                             Southampton SO17 1BJ

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