GFI Email Security Tests

Julian Field mailscanner at
Sat Sep 21 12:48:10 IST 2002

At there is a little bunch of tests
which attack known Microsoft-specific vulnerabilities. They don't include
various other attacks such as Eudora problems (which MailScanner already
checks for). However, I bet some people are using it as a yardstick to
compare email security systems.

Although MailScanner is primarily an anti *virus* system, it does include
tests for known security vulnerabilities as well. So I have added tests for
all the problems listed by GFI in their tests. MailScanner passes many of
the tests anyway due to filename checks, but it now should pass all the tests.

If I was a marketing droid, at this point I would start carping on about
enterprise-scale complete e-mail security solutions, as opposed to merely
virus-scanning. But fortunately I'm not. However, it does make MailScanner
more of a "complete" solution to the problem of nasty email.

Can someone confirm it on their systems please? I have tested it here and
it appears to work fine, but I would appreciate a test by someone else.
Drop me a line and I'll mail you the files for V3.22-14 and/or V4.00.0a1.
Once that's done I'll release 3.22-15 (and will happily mail the file for
V4 to anyone who wants it).
Julian Field                Teaching Systems Manager
jkf at         Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
Tel. 023 8059 2817          University of Southampton
                             Southampton SO17 1BJ

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