Spam Tagging Suggestion

Matt hciss at HCIWS.COM
Fri Sep 20 00:09:34 IST 2002

I have an idea for spam scanning with Spamassassin.

Have a setting so it adds a tag to the end of the message if its has over so
many hits.  Then have the tag relate how many hits.

If 5(or whatever set at) hits or more its tagged like so:

MailScanner Scanned
SpamAssassin - - - - - 5 hits.

If 12 hits its tagged like so:

MailScanner Scanned
SpamAssassin - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 hits.

This way users can setup a rule in Outlook to there liking.  If they want
aggressive filtering they can add a rule that if the Body Contains
"SpamAssassin - - - - -" move to "Junk Mail" folder.  That 5 hit rule will
also work on anything over 5 hits.  If the signature is added to the text
portion of the message and its in html they won't even see it but the
Outlook rules should.  They can also add another rule if Body Contains
"SpamAssassin - - - - - - - - - - - -" move to "Trash".

Hopefully users could ignore the tags at the end if they did not like them.
Its really a shame Outlook cannot look at the headers for mail rules.

Matthew H

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