multiple mailscanner instances?

Jim Levie jim at ENTROPHY-FREE.NET
Tue Sep 17 20:50:42 IST 2002

On Fri, 2002-09-13 at 19:22, Eric H wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Sep 2002, Jim Levie wrote:
> > Yes, it is possible to run more than one instance of MailScanner, but
> > it's a little more complicated. What needs to happen in that case is
> > that Sendmail is configured to drop inbound mail into Then
> > you need something else that picks up qf/df pairs from the input queue
> > and distributes those to two or more MailScanner work queues. Each of
As promised, I've cleaned up the code that I use to manage a
multi-process V3 MailScanner and documented the setup and operation.
Rather that fill up the list server with email attachments I've made it
available on my web server. Take a look at
The instructions said to use Windows 98 or better, so I installed RedHat
   Jim Levie                                 email:
jim at

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