what are you rude?.. heres a copy of what I sent you a weekago.try reading it

Gerry Doris gerry at DORFAM.CA
Thu Sep 12 16:51:22 IST 2002

MessageI agree with Matt!
I want to know if I'm being heard as well!

Matt Doherty
IT Dept
Datawatch Corp

>>In a world without walls or fences, who needs Windows and Gates?<<

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Matt Doherty [mailto:Matthew_doherty at datawatch.com]
  Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2002 12:04 PM
  Subject: Re: what are you rude?.. heres a copy of what I sent you a
weekago.try reading it

  Yeah, So do I.
  I think the people of this list deserve to know what he added from their
suggestions. Don't you think? If your standing in line to get in a concert,
arn't you wondering if your going to get in - in time to not miss the
beginning of a show.
   Dont talk to me about money - I have done over 170,000 dollars of work
for nothing over 5 years and I am still polite to the people I do it for.
That doesn't matter anyways. I asked a question politely towards this list
probably 17 times and only got 15 of them answered.. Meanwhile off the
subject questions get answered.
  But I'm not rude about it either. I think the people in this list deserve
a better respons than that. I think we all wanted to know what he considered
and what he didn't. Otherwise we may think twice about answering him next
time. I spent 10 minutes trying to think of some good suggestions only to
get a response stating "SUch As"?
  I STATED 2 SUCH AS examples. That shows me how carefully read these posts
are in here. The public helped get this program where it is today. Dont get
an ego over it.

  Matt Doherty
  IT Dept
  Datawatch Corp

  >>In a world without walls or fences, who needs Windows and Gates?<<

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Steve Evans [mailto:sevans at FOUNDATION.SDSU.EDU]
    Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2002 11:50 AM
    Subject: Re: what are you rude?.. heres a copy of what I sent you a week
ago.try reading it

    Normally I leave arrogant posts like this alone, because I find it's a
waste of time to teach people manners in a forum like this.  But . . .

    If you want someone to complain to, yell at, rip apart, be rude to, etc
I've included a list of commercial anti-virus companies that will gladly put
up with that for a few thousand+ dollars.


    Meanwhile if you plan on staying on this list, most of us don't like to
see Julian assaulted with attitudes like this.  He's saving me in the
neighborhood of $20,000, and that's not even counting the reduced labor I
have to spend on his product compared to the big boy's products, and I come
from a small shop.  I can't imagine what he's saving other people in money.
And here's the kicker, he works for FREE.

    Steve Evans
    (619) 594-0653

      -----Original Message-----
      From: Matt Doherty [mailto:Matthew_doherty at DATAWATCH.COM]
      Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2002 7:40 AM
      Subject: what are you rude?.. heres a copy of what I sent you a week
ago. try reading it

      such as

      Matt Doherty
      IT Dept
      Datawatch Corp

      >>In a world without walls or fences, who needs Windows and Gates?<<

      -----Original Message-----
      From: Matt Doherty [mailto:Matthew_doherty at datawatch.com]
      Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 4:34 PM
      To: MailScanner mailing list
      Subject: RE: New release logging suggestions

      I would like to see some differant text in the log per email virus
caught.. I grep the maillog to see how many viruses caught so far that week.
For instance, I currently tried 'tail -2000 /var/log/maillog | grep
>>>Virus' of course the ">" symbols something that messes grep up and wont
work. The only string that works best is just use the word Virus (
tail -2000 /var/log/maillog | grep Virus ) Only thing is, it shows the
mailscanner restarting every four hours lines as well as the viruses caught.
I cant think of anything good but maybe some weird character that is never
seen in the maillog such as a & or pipe symbol? Just something that grep
could sniff out easily ONLY for caught viruses. Or do you have a better
solution? The Email ID to go along with it as well would be nice. for ones
that were scanned and ones that were found to be infected.
      Hope that is a ok suggestion..
      Oh well Im still a newbie anyways 8-)

      Matt Doherty
      IT Dept
      Datawatch Corp

      >>In a world without walls or fences, who needs Windows and Gates?<<

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Julian Field [mailto:mailscanner at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK]
        Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 5:14 PM
        Subject: New release logging suggestions

        The new release is getting there...

        What logging would people like to see?
        Anything particular that you want logged?

        Suggestions please.
        Julian Field Teaching Systems Manager
        jkf at ecs.soton.ac.uk Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
        Tel. 023 8059 2817 University of Southampton
        Southampton SO17 1BJ

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