Feature, maybe misfeature

Lewis Bergman lbergman at abi.tconline.net
Wed Sep 11 15:15:18 IST 2002

I am wondering if it would be helpful for anyone else to have spams sent to a
different directory than viruses?

I am searching for a way to put spam that we don't deliver into user's mail
accounts. I think a seperate dir might make this easier only because I don't
want to put mail containing viruses in their mail account.

Also, I would love to be able to scan all outgoing mail but only selected
incoming mail. The reason is that I would like to try and protect the rest of
the interent from all my virused users but require the people on my system to
pay to be protected. This may seem backwards but I have to recoup the cost of
the virus engines from somewhere. Does anyone else think this would be good
or am I off my rocker?

Lewis Bergman
Texas Communications
4309 Maple St.
Abilene, TX 79602-8044
915-695-6962 ext 115

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