Using a Ruleset for SpamAssassin Score

Julian Field mailscanner at
Tue Oct 29 16:56:46 GMT 2002

At 16:38 29/10/2002, you wrote:
>Can you give me an example of how to do a ruleset for "Required
>SpamAssassin Score" please?
>What I want to achieve is eg
>Score = 5,   deliver forward spam at localhost
>Score = 7,   store forward stored at localhost
>Score = 20,  forward deleted at localhost delete
>But from what I see, I would somehow need to combine rulesets, and I just
>can't get my head around how to make it work.

You can set the required spam score for different addresses.
You can set the spam actions for different addresses.
But you cannot easily do both in a simple ruleset.

What you could do though is create a custom function &SpamAction for "Spam
         Spam Actions = &MySpamAction
Put this in (that file should already exist. If it doesn't
then upgrade to a version that does have it).

sub InitMySpamAction {
         ; # No initialisation needed for this plugin

sub MySpamAction {
         my($message) = @_;

         my $score = $message->{sascore}; # You can look up attributes in
         # Done in decreasing order so the highest scoring result is used
         return 'forward deleted at localhost delete' if $score>=20.0;
         return 'forward stored at localhost store' if $score>=7.0;
         return 'forward spam at localhost deliver' if $score>=5.0;
         return 'deliver';

Julian Field                Teaching Systems Manager
jkf at         Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
Tel. 023 8059 2817          University of Southampton
                             Southampton SO17 1BJ

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