Directorys in /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming

Jim Levie jim at ENTROPHY-FREE.NET
Mon Oct 28 18:24:44 GMT 2002

On Mon, 2002-10-28 at 11:19, Julian Field wrote:
> At 16:50 28/10/2002, you wrote:
> >RedHat 7.2 and the rpm MailScanner 4.03-1
> >
> >Directorys with the same name as the pid are being created in
> >/var/spool/MailScanner/incoming, but are not being cleaned up on a restart
> >or stop - is this as it should be?.
> >Is their any resason I should not delete them in the stop and restart
> >parts of /etc/rc.d/init.d/MailScanner
> What do you think? Would you like me to extend the init.d script so that it
> clears out MailScanner/incoming? Any good reasons for *not* doing it?
It would seem to me that the only pid files that should be there are
those associated with what should be an active instance of MailScanner.
The way it appears to work now the list of pid files will essentially
grow without bound and you can't tell from casual examination of the
directory which pid files correspond to an active process. I can see
where this might become a problem on a busy server where you only
stop/restart MailScanner when it is misbehaving rather than on a
regularly scheduled basis.
The instructions said to use Windows 98 or better, so I installed RedHat
   Jim Levie                                 email:
jim at

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