{SPAM} Re: Checking for strings in outbound mail

Jim Levie jim at ENTROPHY-FREE.NET
Tue Oct 22 03:03:06 IST 2002

On Mon, 2002-10-21 at 20:47, Sean Embry wrote:
> I have a need to check outbound mail (mail FROM my site TO the world)
> and see if it contains a specific string. Can I do that with MS and Spam
> Assassin? If so, can I be blessed with a <THAWP> from a clue stick as to
> how to go about that?
It wouldn't be difficult to add a SpamAssassin rule to flag the string,
but off hand I don't see how to get MailScanner to take an sort of
action on the match for outbound email only (with a hack to
MailScanner). No if the presence of this string means that the mail is
not to be sent on out, and if it is unlikely that the string would
appear in legitimate inbound email, you could make the SA rule result in
a high score and quarantine all high score messages. You'd then have to
search the quarantine directory for those messages that contained the
The instructions said to use Windows 98 or better, so I installed

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