Reinstall problem

Jethro R Binks jethro.binks at STRATH.AC.UK
Tue Oct 15 08:42:45 IST 2002

Julian (off-list):

> You did "su" and not "su -". Always use "su -" as it sets your path (and
> other environment variables) properly. Standard "newbie" fault :-)

Quite; but it does mean you're no longer in the directory you were when
you typed 'su', which is probably where you wanted to be when you realised
you needed root!  I have some script hackery and temp file fudging that
fixes this for me on the machines that support it, but in general, do you
put up with this, see it as an advantage, or have a neater solution?


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Jethro R Binks                                   Computing Officer, IT Services
Mailmaster, Listmaster, Webmaster,       University Of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Cachemaster                                           jethro.binks at

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