V4: 4.00.0a11-1 not including Inline Warning (new tests)

Dustin Baer dustin.baer at IHS.COM
Fri Oct 11 13:54:51 IST 2002

Julian Field wrote:
> Dustin,
> Many thanks for sending me your test file. I have run it through the 4a12
> code and it is actually doing the only thing it can do, which I had written
> you a great long explanation of.
> However, after I explained it all, I realised what I needed to do.

I sent a few tests.  Those in which I expected to see an inline warning,
I did.

Many thanks!


Dustin Baer
Unix Administrator/Postmaster
Information Handling Services
15 Inverness Way East
Englewood, CO 80112

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