V4: not including Inline Warning?

Julian Field mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Tue Oct 8 22:43:44 IST 2002

At 22:14 08/10/2002, you wrote:
>Is anyone not seeing their Inline Text/HTML Warning text in the
>recipient's email with V4?

Mine are working, but then they would, wouldn't they :-)

What does
         grep -i inline /opt/MailScanner/etc/mailscanner.conf
Have you checked that the files exist? Note that I recently added an extra
subdirectory called "en" or "de" to choose the language.

>I have sent the same message through both 3.23-4 and 4.00.0a10-1.  I see
>the Inline Warning in V3, but not V4.
>No modifications have been made to "Inline Text Warning" in
>Dustin Baer
>Unix Administrator/Postmaster
>Information Handling Services
>15 Inverness Way East
>Englewood, CO 80112

Julian Field                Teaching Systems Manager
jkf at ecs.soton.ac.uk         Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
Tel. 023 8059 2817          University of Southampton
                             Southampton SO17 1BJ

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