Tagging of messages - wider range of tags?

Quentin Campbell Q.G.Campbell at NEWCASTLE.AC.UK
Tue Oct 8 12:58:27 IST 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Julian Field [mailto:mailscanner at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK] 
> Sent: 08 October 2002 10:38
> Subject: Re: Tagging of messages - wider range of tags?
> Quentin,
> I am only really adding new features to version 4 now, I 
> don't want to spend much more time on version 3. However, as 
> you request, version 4 now has 2 new options:


Thank you. Making the new features available in version 4 is more than I
expected! I assumed they would not be retrofitted to version 3 but
thanks for the patch.

For operational and legal reasons (mainly because of RIPA) we do *not*
quarantine any mail and our aggressive policy on filename extensions is
to prevent the sort of attack to which you allude.

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