Dave Horsfall dave at ESI.COM.AU
Tue Oct 1 06:08:06 IST 2002

On Mon, 30 Sep 2002, Mike Kercher wrote:

> Ok...I've been jacking with now for hours and since I can only spell 'perl', I'm stumped!  For the virus counters,
> I need to find '>>> Virus' to increment the counter, but nothing I put on the line seems to work.
> $TotalViruses += $1 if />>> Virus/;
> $TotalViruses += $1 if /Rescan/;
> $TotalViruses += $1 if /Rescan/i;
> Can a perl guru shed some light?

Lose the "$" in front of "1".

Better: $TotalViruses++ if ...

Dave Horsfall  DTM  VK2KFU  dave at  Ph: +61 2 9906-3377 Fx: 9906-3468
(Unix Guru) Pacific ESI, Unit 22, 8 Campbell St, Artarmon, NSW 2065, Australia

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