f-prot-autoupdate error

Evert Jan van Ramselaar evertjan at VANRAMSELAAR.NL
Fri Nov 22 08:19:55 GMT 2002

Hi ppl,

I recently installed the latest MS 4 RPM version. Everything works
great, good work Julian!

However, the f-prot-autoupdate scripts gives me this error:

# ./f-prot-autoupdate
FTP address for retrieving files is ftp://eu-3.updates.f-prot.com/pub/
Unknown fatal error calling "checksum", exiting., Bad file descriptor at
./f-prot-autoupdate line 295, <TEMPFILE> line 2.

F-prot lives in /usr/local/f-prot and the tmpdir /usr/local/f-prot/tmp
does exist.
Any idea on this one?

  Evert Jan van Ramselaar  <evertjan at vanramselaar.nl>
  Van Ramselaar Info Tech  <http://www.vanramselaar.nl>

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