RBL checks in MailScanner

Jan-Peter Koopmann Jan-Peter.Koopmann at SECEIDOS.DE
Wed Nov 20 08:24:51 GMT 2002

one small question: What exactly is checked by MailScanner? All IPs in
the received lines or just the latest? If all participating servers are
checked I can safely remove RBL-Checks in SpamAssassin.
Seceidos GmbH            | Jan-Peter Koopmann
                         | Senior Engineer
Wilhelminenstr. 2        | Tel.: +49 (6151) 66843-43
64283 Darmstadt          |       +49 (6151) 9511-252 (24H VoiceCenter)
Germany                  | Fax:  +49 (6151) 66843-52
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