Problems with version 4

Michael Keightley mk at
Wed Nov 13 15:45:43 GMT 2002

When I start version 4 up, lots of mailscanner processes are started, not just
one!!  I guess this is causing the error message.  Version 3 isn't running.
Why would so many processes be started up?

% pkill -9 mailscanner

% ps -ef | grep mailscanner | grep -v grep

% /var/opt/MailScanner/bin/check_mailscanner
Starting virus scanner...

# Wait 10 secs....

% ps -ef | grep mailscanner | grep -v grep
    root 27398 27389  0 15:38:04 ?        0:06 /usr/bin/perl -I/var/opt/MailScanner/bin /var/opt/MailScanner/bin/mailscanner /
    root 27410 27389  0 15:38:14 ?        0:07 /usr/bin/perl -I/var/opt/MailScanner/bin /var/opt/MailScanner/bin/mailscanner /
    root 27390 27389  0 15:37:44 ?        0:06 /usr/bin/perl -I/var/opt/MailScanner/bin /var/opt/MailScanner/bin/mailscanner /
    root 27411 27389  0 15:38:24 ?        0:05 /usr/bin/perl -I/var/opt/MailScanner/bin /var/opt/MailScanner/bin/mailscanner /
    root 27389     1  0 15:37:44 ?        0:00 /usr/bin/perl -I/var/opt/MailScanner/bin /var/opt/MailScanner/bin/mailscanner /
    root 27445     1  6 15:40:03 ?        0:05 /usr/bin/perl /var/opt/mailscanner/bin/mailscanner /var/opt/mailscanner/etc/mai
    root 27393 27389  0 15:37:54 ?        0:05 /usr/bin/perl -I/var/opt/MailScanner/bin /var/opt/MailScanner/bin/mailscanner /

On Wed, Nov 13, 2002 at 03:32:35PM +0000, Julian Field wrote:
> At 15:27 13/11/2002, you wrote:
> >After starting up version 4, I am getting lots of these messages in the
> >mail
> >log:
> >
> >Nov 13 15:20:29 MailScanner[26958]: Failed to link
> >message body between queues (/var/spool/mqueue/dfgADFKNXH026972 -->
> >/var/spool/
> Either the file already exists in the outgoing queue, or the 2 queues
> aren't on the same partition, or you are running V3 and V4 simultaneously.
> --
> Julian Field                Teaching Systems Manager
> jkf at         Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
> Tel. 023 8059 2817          University of Southampton
>                             Southampton SO17 1BJ

Michael Keightley <Michael.Keightley at>    Tel: +44 131 220 4491
Systems Manager, Quadstone Limited,                    Fax: +44 131 220 4492
16 Chester Street, Edinburgh EH3 7RA, Scotland

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