MailScanner-4.05-3 and SuSE 8.0

Knutzen, Heinz Heinz.Knutzen at DZSH.DE
Wed Nov 6 15:52:08 GMT 2002


today I installed MailScanner-4.05-3 from rpm on a system running SuSE 8.0.
I will summarize my changes to get it work:

1. add a link /usr/src/RPM to /usr/src/packages (this has been reported

2. The postinstall script doesn't work.
chkconfig from SuSE seems to be a bit different
"chkconfig --level 2 sendmail off # To fix bug in some RedHat dist's"
gives an error message:
Unknown option: level
        chkconfig -t|--terse [names]            (shows the links)
        chkconfig -e|--edit  [names]            (configure services)
        chkconfig -s|--set   [name state]...    (configure services)
        chkconfig -l|--list [--deps] [names]    (shows the links)
        chkconfig -a|--add   [names]            (runs insserv)
        chkconfig -d|--del   [names]            (runs insserv -r)
        chkconfig -h|--help                     (print usage)

        chkconfig [name]           same as chkconfig -t
        chkconfig name state...    same as chkconfig -s name state

3. The preuninstall and postuninstall won't work, since SuSE 8.0 doesn't
have a "service" command.

4. The init script is placed in /etc/rc.d/init.d/MailScanner
This does't work for SuSE.
SuSE uses /etc/init.d/ for init scripts. /etc/rc.d is simply a link to
Installing from rpm results in a file /etc/init.d/init.d/MailScanner

5. The init script init.d/MailScanner doesn't work anyhow:
- there is no /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions but a /etc/rc.status instead
- there is no file /etc/sysconfig/network, but a directory
- the outgoing sendmail process is named "sendmail: Queue runner.*" for SuSE
- there is a different mechanism for failure / success reporting
- I don't know if /var/lock/subsys/MailScanner is useful for a SuSE system
See my modified init script for SuSE 8.0 attached to this mail.

Viele Grüße

-- Heinz Knutzen

Datenzentrale Schleswig-Holstein
Altenholzer Str. 10-14, 24161 Altenholz, Germany
mailto:heinz.knutzen at
Tel: +49.431.3295.581 Fax: +49.431.3295.410 
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