MRTG etc

David While David.While at UCE.AC.UK
Mon Nov 4 19:53:53 GMT 2002

A number of people have been asking about getting statistic output for
MailScanner (quite often for the higher ups!) well I have produced a script
that analyses the mail log file and produces the necessary output including
MRTG. The first time you run the script it will produce the necessary MRTG
config file.

It has a number of configurable variables (at the top of the script) and
can also use the sendmail access file to automatically ban those IP
addresses that consistently send you spam. There have been a number of
discussions about SpamCop etc - well this is one solution - turn off your
spamcop settings in MailScanner and sendmail and let this script decide to
put them into your own access file. After a period of time they are
automatically removed again.

Currently the virus analysis will only work for ClamAV and inoculan since I
don't have access to any other scanners, however it is easy for me to add
them in - all I need are some sample mail log file entries from the
relevant scanners when they have detected a virus.

For a sample of what it produces see
and to get the script go to

It isn't a perfect script and if you have any problems please let me know -
also if you find it useful let me know.

David While
Technical Development Manager
Faculty of Computing, Information & English
University of Central England
Tel: 0121 331 6211

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