Server capacity estimates?

David Lancaster dml at UNB.CA
Wed May 29 20:44:14 IST 2002

Hey all,

Are there any sources of information about what server capacity is needed
to handle various loads from mailscanner and spam assassin?

We're currently looking at handling 3500-4500 (incoming only)mail per
hour, using mailscanner and SA, with virus checks disabled, and rbl
enabled in mailscanner.  The server will act as a gateway, passing the
messages off to another server for actual delivery.
What sort of capability would a single server (Intel/Linux) need?  IO and
CPU seem to be the bottlenecks on my test server, would a single 1.4 Ghz
P3 and a software-mirrored 15K Ultra160 disk be capable of handling this
throughput? Would dual CPUs increase performance to any marked degree?

Thanks for the great work and info all!


David Lancaster

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