Signing of unscanned messages

Freerk Kalsbeek freerk at MINDSWITCH.NET
Tue May 28 23:29:51 IST 2002


I'm installing mailscanner on an ensim appliance server and wan't it to be
an extra to have mail scanned for virusses.

i use the following options in mailscanner.conf

Scanning By Domain = yes
Sign Unscanned Messages = no

What happens is that the messages for the domains not in the
file are indeed not scanned, but the header has the Mailscanner sign: Found
to be clean in it.

I've looked in to the problem and it seems something goes wrong in

at line 766: if unscanned and don't signunscanned messages add the unscanned
header. In any other case add the clean header.

I think it should be changed to:
    766     if ($entities eq 'unscanned'){
    767       if ($Config::SignUnscannedMessages){
    768         $headers = AddUnscannedHeader($headers);
    769       }
    770     } else {
    771       $headers = AddCleanHeader($headers);
    772     }

Freerk Kalsbeek

T: 0320-286979
F: 0320-286980
E: freerkkalsbeek at

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