This may be a sendmail problem but...

David Closson dave at CLOSSONS.NET
Thu May 23 18:14:51 IST 2002

I am using sendmail Redhat 7.3 with mailscanner 3.15-3 and
spamassassin-2.20-1.  This machine is a gateway for our main mail
server that scans the emails and uses the mailertable to deliver them
to the main server. I get an accumulation of mail in the queue that
is bad mail.  The gateway mail server is not aware of which email
address are valid and which are not on the main server (which should
not normally be a problem I assume).  These invalid and undeliverable
messages (almost always spam the has a bad return address) stop the
queue runner from delivering legitimate messages that had to be
queued. A good portion of the mail is scanned and then delivered to
the main server as configured.

I posted on the sendmail usenet with no luck here perhaps
somehere can help.

snip of error message...

g4H0u9g13428: g4M7NEG04590: DSN: User unknown
g4M7NEG04590: g4M7NEH04590: return to sender: User unknown
g4M7NEG04590: Losing ./qfg4M7NEG04590: savemail panic
g4M7NEG04590: SYSERR(root): savemail: cannot save rejected email

David Closson, dave at on 05/23/2002

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